The one and only Bedford garage in The Netherlands
Bedford Garage in Smilde has acquired many long years of experience with repairing and restoring Bedford vans. Whether you want your Bedford repaired or you would like to buy a fully repaired Bedford van or various Bedford parts, you are admitted to Bedford Garage in Smilde (Holland). We also do repairs on polyester roofs of campers. Bedford Garage sells several kinds of repaired vans like an ice-cream van, coffee van or bakery van.
Bedford Garage repairs your Bedford
Your Bedford APK-inspected
Before sale every Bedford van is fully checked following the Dutch legal APK-inspection (Dutch MOT). Bedford Garage doesn’t execute the inspection but by checking and repairing (if necessary) the Bedford we fully prepare your Bedford for the inspection. Bedford Garage also has a large warehouse with new and used Bedford parts. If necessary we can quickly replace Bedford parts without extending waiting hours.


Thanks to the large warehouse containing both new and used Bedford parts Bedford Garage is able to replace broken or worn out Bedford parts immediately. In order to supply the warehouse we travel to Great Britain several times a year where we purchase Bedford parts. Bedford Garage sells various parts such as brake pads, suspension, wheels, wheel bearing, ball joints, plate parts, etc.
Do you need Bedford parts? Look at ‘sale’ or please contact us for more information. Products are sent by payment in advance.
Modern equipment
Bedford Garage uses modern, professional equipment. The spacious garage is equipped with a five metre 4-column bridge and a 2-column bridge. Both bridges have a load capacity of 5000 kilos. This makes it possible for Bedford Garage to repair also larger Bedford campers. Furthermore we posess a wheel balancer, tyre dismantling machine, solid hand tools and have several testing possibilities.